
Community Literacy
Linda Flower considers community literacy to be "an intercultural dialogue with others on issues that they identify as sites of struggle" (Community Literacy and the Rhetoric of Public Engagement, 19)


Contact Zone
Tactics of Hope regards "Contact Zone as an inadequate term describing "those places outside of universities and schools that have become sites of research, outreach, service, or local learning"(xii). According to Tactics of Hope, its limitations as a descriptor it "lacks a specific geographic location" (xii), sounds a bit too academic, and sounds too close to "combat zone" (xiii).

Critical Consciousness

Enabling a person to discover or learn something for themselves: Oxford American Dictionary


The method and practice of teaching: Oxford American Dictionary


Public Sphere

Public Discourse

Public Intellectual

Characterized by recurrence or repetition: Oxford American Dictionary

Subaltern Counterpublic
Nancy Fraser envisions subaltern counterpublics as alternate sites of public discourse for subordinated groups to circulate "counterdiscourses." (quoted in Moving Beyond Academic Discourse, page 106)
The word "subaltern" is defined by the Oxford American Dictionary as meaning "of a lower status," but Christian Weisser in Moving Beyond Academic Discourse indicates that it may also be considered synonymous with "alternative" (106).